New play structure at École La Passerelle

On December 11, an all-new play structure was officially inaugurated at École La Passerelle, a school offering regular preschool instruction and two teaching groups specialized in social and communicative development with 8 students each. From now on, the kids will enjoy a stimulating new play area! The Commission scolaire des Samares inaugurated the revamped playground that is now better adapted for the students. 

Supporting the next generation’s growth 

As we place a high value on mutual support and social engagement, Synergy Formwork is proud to be a part of community, institutional and school projects. Each year, our team takes part in a number of school and extracurricular projects that contribute to child development. 

We have a business model that prioritizes personal development and encourages engagement. Among the values Synergy Formwork wishes to promote are:

  • Cooperation
  • Team spirit
  • Mutual support
  • Engagement

Growing together is in our DNA!

Synergy Formwork also hopes to inspire the next generation while encouraging them to persevere and achieve their goals. One of the ways we work to make a difference is through our involvement with various causes like Toucher le Sommet, an initiative that supports youth from 12 to 24 who are at risk of dropping out of school. 

We also feel privileged to have built relationships of trust with our partners that allow us an even greater presence on the ground. At the inauguration, we enjoyed seeing the smiles the play structure brought to many kids’ faces! 


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